Public Notices

Marble Cliff Public Notices


The Village of Marble Cliff requires helmets for all children under the age of 18 who are riding their bike or other forms of transportation such as bike trailers and scooters in the Village (this is the same requirement in effect in Grandview Heights; the Village recognizes the Grandview Heights Traffic Code by legal reference as the traffic regulations for the Village).

The Village supports bicycling in the community.  The Scioto Greenways Path along Dublin Rd., the multi-use path from Dublin Rd. to Arlington Ave. and the bike friendly streets in the Village are all an effort to promote bicycling as a healthy mode of transportation.   Walk-ability and safe streets are important to our community.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), bike helmets are the single most effective way to reduce head injuries and fatalities resulting from bike crashes, with proper helmet usage having been demonstrated to reduce the risk of head injury by 85%, severe brain injury by 88%, and bicycle related fatalities by 75%.   AAP provides several tips for getting your children to wear their helmets such as: start the habit early, wear a helmet yourself, and talk to your kids about why it is important to wear a helmet.

It is also important to wear a helmet that fits properly. This guide can help walk parents through proper fit of a helmet or you can watch this video

Marble Cliff Public Notices


Cambridge Blvd. will be closed on Saturday, September 1, 2018 starting at 8:00 am and ending approximately 10:00 am for the first annual Tri the Heights youth triathlon.  Participants will be completing the bike portion of their race on Cambridge Blvd. No parking will be posted on both sides of Cambridge 48 hours prior to race day for a time frame of 7:00 am – 10:00 am.   Police officers will be stationed at 1st/Cambridge to allow turns onto Arlington Ave. and at 3rd/Cambridge to allow crossover traffic.  Medic 52 will park at the northern point of Cambridge island to block traffic at the church parking lot entrance. Volunteers will be at Marble Cliff corners and “road closed ahead” signage will be posted similarly to the Pumpkin Run.

Marble Cliff Public Notices


UPDATE:   Franklin County Public Health (FCPH) reports a pool of mosquitoes in our area tested positive for West Nile virus so they will be spraying the Village on Thursday, August 2nd  starting around 9:00 p.m. (weather permitting).

FCPH maintains a Do Not Spray registry of residents who do not want to have their property treated for adult mosquitoes through the use of truck-mounted spraying on public roadways and alleys.  FCPH will make a good faith effort to shut off truck-mounted spraying equipment within approximately 150 feet of a registered property. This registry will be rendered inactive if the Health Commissioner declares a public health emergency where treatment is indicated.  In the event of a public health emergency, FCPH will attempt to contact members of the registry prior to treatment of their property.


If you do not want your property sprayed for mosquitoes, please complete the Do Not Spray Form or call (614) 525-BITE (2483) and leave a message.

Marble Cliff Public Notices


This year’s campaign against the gypsy moth has begun in central Ohio, including Marble Cliff .

The Ohio Department of Agriculture said spraying to disrupt gypsy moth mating will cover nearly 75,000 acres in Franklin, Licking, Fairfield, Washington, Morgan, Athens, Perry, and Ross counties.

Yellow crop-dusting planes will fly 100 to 200 feet above treetops and buildings spraying. Even Downtown Columbus is targeted.

The droplets contain the pheromone that female gypsy moths use to attract mates. The overwhelming scent prevents male moths from finding the females.

No mating means no offspring.

The chemical, SPLAT GM-O, is organic and is not harmful to birds, plants, pets or humans, according to the agriculture department.

“It was a mild winter, so egg mortality was probably less than what we had hoped,” said David Adkins, program manager with the state agriculture department.

However, recent wet weather has helped the growth of a fungus that attacks the gypsy moth population, he said.

Spraying began in earnest in 2000 to slow the spread of the moths westward across Ohio. Since then, the battle line has been pushed back east across the state an average of 52 miles, Adkins said.

The proof comes from extensive trapping done every year to check the moth’s progress. The line has moved back and forth, he said, but has moved back eastward since 2009.

The gypsy moth is a non-native, invasive species that feeds on the leaves of more than 300 different trees and shrubs. It especially is fond of oak. A healthy tree can usually withstand two years of defoliation before it is permanently damaged or dies. To date, 51 of Ohio’s 88 counties have established gypsy moth populations.

The spraying program is part of the Slow-the-Spread effort involving 11 states. Updates on planned spraying are available at 614-387-0907 or 800-282-1955 Ext. 37 after 5 p.m.

Information about the gypsy moth, including maps of treatment areas, is available through the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Marble Cliff Public Notices


Grandview Heights City School District Superintendent Andy Culp reports that on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) presented their Initial Findings Report to the community regarding the scope and funding of the facility plan and a possible operating levy for the district.  More than 150 people attended the presentation which included a video, presentation of the findings, and question and answer session with FAC members.  Superintendent Culp asks you to join the conversation by taking an online survey.  Your feedback is vital to the process!

Watch the video of what FAC members have to say about the process, click here:

Read the FAC Initial Findings Report, click here.

Take the online survey, click here.

Please take a moment to provide valuable feedback on a facilities plan that will impact our schools and community for generations to come.  Your feedback will aid and inform the FAC members before they make their final recommendations and will allow this plan to continue to be a community-driven plan. The survey will remain open through June 14, 2018.