Building Department
Permits and Approvals
Building permits are required for the construction of any new structure, room addition, renovations, sheds, decks, swimming pool, and commercial tent, as well as roof, window, and siding/exterior covering replacement and basement waterproofing.
Permit requests and contractor registration(s) are processed through the Grandview Heights Building and Zoning Department. The permit process is online through OpenGov. To register as a contractor to do work in the Village of Marble Cliff, please go online and complete the bond form.
Please contact the Grandview Heights Building and Zoning Department at 614-481-6220 if you have any questions or need additional assistance regarding building permits and/or the need for a variance. Applications for variances must be filed with the Marble Cliff Fiscal Officer no later than 30 days before the meeting at which Council will consider the request (see VARIANCE PROCESS section). To access the Grandview Heights Building and Zoning Department, click on the following link:
Demolition may require a demolition permit before work commences. Contact Village Hall at or 614-486-6993 for details. Click here to download the Wrecking or Demolition Permit.
Fences and walls are regulated by the Village and require a permit before construction starts. Fences and walls higher than 4 feet also require a variance. Generally, fences may be constructed of any standard fence material except chain link and may not be electrified or have barbed wire. The smooth finished side must face outward toward neighboring properties. Any below ground electrical fence shall be placed so that it is five feet from side and rear property lines and five feet from the property side of all public sidewalk edges. Contact Village Hall for specific details or look at FENCE Section 154.079 of the ordinance at CHAPTER 154: ZONING CODE (
Before a fire alarm system is installed, a permit must be obtained from the Grandview Heights Building Department. Homeowners with automatic alarm systems are required to provide a key vault as approved by the Grandview Fire Official.
Please contact Fire Marshal, Christopher Evrard at 614-340-5406 or for a Fire Alarm Permit.
The Marble Cliff sign ordinance is highly restrictive in order to insure and maintain the residential character of our neighborhood. Village Code permits the following signs to be displayed in the R-1 Residential District:
- House for sale, Open House, or Lease/Rent signs
- Political signs
- Numerical address signs
- Student achievement signs
Code DOES NOT permit display of any other kind of sign, including those of:
- Businesses
- For-profit and charitable/non-profit organizations
- Schools and churches
If a resident wishes to display a prohibited sign for no more than 60 days, a temporary sign permit application must be submitted to Village Hall. After review of the application and proposed sign design, the Mayor or his designee may authorize the request or defer the decision to Village Council for its approval or disapproval at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. NO business advertising signs or non-profit organization signs are permitted on any residential property. Contact Village Hall for specific details or look at SIGN Section 154.125-154.127 of the ordinances at
Residents must apply for and receive Council’s approval for installation of a swimming pool before seeking a building permit. There will be a $100 application fee.
Zoning and Variances
Click here for the latest zoning map, which is up to date as of July 31, 2015:
Zoning Map
All requests for variance must be received by the Fiscal Officer at least 30 days before the monthly Council meeting when Council will consider the request. Contact Village Hall for details or look at VARIANCE Section 154.156 of the ordinances at
Contractor and Construction Information
All Contractors working in the Village of Marble Cliff must be registered. Contractor registration(s) are processed through the Grandview Heights Building and Zoning Department at OpenGov.
- The Village of Marble Cliff prohibits contractor yard signs of any type placed anywhere on the property where you are providing services. Section 154.125 (I) of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Marble Cliff provides a penalty of up to $200 per violation per day.
- In the Village of Marble Cliff, any construction work requiring a variance must be completed within one year of the effective date of the ordinance granting the variance or the variance expires and the property owner must seek re-approval.
- All construction activity within the Village of Marble Cliff which creates noise and disruption to the neighborhood must be limited to Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday and is prohibited on Sunday.
- The Village of Marble Cliff has a 2% income tax on all income earned while working within the Village of Marble Cliff. The Village’s income tax is administered by the City of Columbus, Income Tax Division.
Home improvements, such as construction, remodeling, or electrical, plumbing, heating/HVAC, siding, roof, window changes require getting a building permit through the Grandview Heights Building department at 1515 Goodale Blvd. Click on BUILDING PERMITS to access the various building permit forms. However, the following improvements do not need a permit. If there is any question, please contact Village Hall at 614-486-6993.
- Carpet or flooring
- Driveway sealing and resurfacing
- Gutter, downspout replacement. A right of way permit is required if downspout goes to the street.
- Interior and exterior painting
- Non-structural lawn and landscaping installation
Before you dig and possibly sever a gas or electrical line, contact OUPS at 8-1-1 or 1-800-362-2764 or It could save a life!
Environmental and Safety Regulations
A clean Village with clean water is a goal of the Village. Citizens are encouraged to report illegal dumping and illicit sewer connections to Village Hall (614-486-6993) for further investigation. Confidentiality will be maintained.