Resident Resources

The Village of Marble Cliff contracts with the City of Grandview Heights for refuse and public services.
Questions regarding services can be directed through Grandview Heights 311 or by contacting their Service Department at 614-488-4728. For more information regarding trash and recycling services visit here.
Resident Resources
See Grandview Heights Public Schools for more information
The Village is in the Grandview Heights Public Library district. Visit the Grandview Heights Public Library Web Site.
Income Tax
Central Collection Agency of Cleveland, Ohio processes Income Tax for the Village of Marble Cliff. If you have questions about your income tax, please contact them at
Refuse and Recycling Information
Refuse pickup day for the Village is Friday. The only exception is when a holiday falls on a Friday; then refuse is picked up on the following Monday. Please remember to allow truck access to your items.
Questions regarding services can be directed through Grandview Heights 311 or by contacting their Service Department at 614-488-4728. For more information regarding trash and recycling services visit here.
Questions regarding services can be directed through Grandview Heights 311 or by contacting their Service Department at 614-488-4728. For more information regarding trash and recycling services visit here.
The Village of Marble Cliff distributes 32-gallon blue recycle cans to residents. We are currently out of them but are ordering more. If you want to be put on the waitlist to receive one, please email or call the Village Office at 614-486-6993 with your name, address, phone number, and email.
Learn more:
The Village of Marble Cliff hosted a pilot program for The Compost Exchange this summer. Residents enrolled in a free program that was such a success, the Village has voted to continue this service for all residents for FREE through the end of 2025. Any current paying customers will receive a refund from The Compost Exchange for the months they have already paid for through January 2025.
A reevaluation will occur at the end of the year to see if residents and the Village want to continue this service.
If you are interested in signing up for this program, please email or call 614-486-6993.
Information needed to be enrolled is your name, street address, and email address.
Once enrolled, you will be given a 5-gallon yellow bucket with compostable bags with instructions for use. This will be dropped off at your doorstep on the next collection date. The collections are on Wednesdays.
If you do not want to continue this service, please leave your yellow bucket on your doorstep on a collection day with a note stating you wish to discontinue the service.
Learn more:
If your trash is collected by Grandview Heights, furniture and bulk items (no tires or construction debris) will be picked up at no charge after scheduling the pickup through Grandview Heights 311 or by contacting their Service Department at 614-488-4728. DO NOT DUMP ITEMS AT THE SERVICE DEPARTMENT COMPLEX. The Grandview Heights Police Department will be monitoring the complex, and dumpers will be fined, as per Section 331.43 of the Grandview Heights Codified Ordinance.
For disposal of latex paint, pour sand or kitty litter inside the can. This will stabilize the paint. It may then be put into the trash after it has dried. If paint cans are empty, or the paint is dried up, you may also dispose of them in the trash.
The Grandview Service Department does not accept lead based paint, car batteries, tires, fluorescent bulbs or other hazardous waste materials. The SWACO drop off center at 645 E. 8th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201 takes such things as insecticides, chemicals, oil based paint, old gasoline, car batteries, etc. If you have any questions, you may contact them at 614-294-1300 or They are open Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM and First Saturday of the Month: 9 AM – 2 PM. See the complete list of items accepted here.
Weekly curbside leaf pick-up begins in October and continues for 10 weeks through early December. Vacuuming will be done each Monday (or the next possible day if inclement weather) by our landscape contractor. Please observe the following:
Rake leaves to the grass tree lawn strip area next to the street as soon as possible. DO NOT rake leaves into the street, as cars parked on the street can start a fire. Plus, the leaves can block the storm sewers causing dangerous ponding and expensive sewer cleaning.
Do not place/mix yard waste, rocks, or tree branches with the leaves. Dirt, decaying plants, rocks, and tree branches can clog the vacuuming equipment and destroy the mini-chipper, slowing or stopping removal for that day. This costs the Village extra money and delays collection.
If you want your leaves picked up, do not park your car in front of the piles on Mondays. Remember to pile leaves in the grass tree lawn where the truck can have easy access. The truck is equipped with a side mount vacuum and designed to pull alongside a leaf pile, not back up to the pile. And remember, the vacuum hose is only 10 feet long.
For those living on Cambridge, Village Court, or Arlington, do not place leaves onto the “island” across the street from your home. All leaves are to be piled in the grass tree lawn along the curb in front of your home. If you have a lawn service, please be sure to tell them, as they have been one of our biggest violators.
Leaves may be bagged in biodegradable paper bags, but will then be removed by the Grandview Heights Service Dept. as yard waste each Monday through the end of November. The bags cannot be thrown into the vacuum trucks.
If your street has already been vacuumed for the day, the service will not return to your street until the next scheduled Monday pickup.
Elderly and/or physically disabled residents who are unable to comply with the refuse or recycling regulations herein should contact the Service Department at 614-488-4728 to make special arrangements for solid waste pickup.
Questions regarding services can be directed through Grandview Heights 311 or by contacting their Service Department at 614-488-4728. For more information regarding trash and recycling services visit here.
Yard waste collection occurs from the first Monday in April through the last Monday in November. If a holiday falls on a Monday, yard waste will then be collected on Tuesday for that week. From December through March, yard waste may be dropped off at the Service Department located at 1260 McKinley Avenue between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm on weekdays.
Public Safety and Health
The Grandview Heights Service Department will pick up dead animals from Village streets and roads. Put in a request at Grandview Heights 311 Sign-UpGH311 or call 614-488-4728.
Dead blue jays and crows are considered a potential indicator of West Nile Virus (WNV) activity. The Franklin County Board of Health no longer collects the birds for testing because it is already known that WNV is present in the county.
If you find a dead bird you are encouraged to properly dispose of it. The best method of handling it is by either double-bagging your hands or by using a shovel to retrieve it. Double-bag the bird and throw it into the trash. Make sure you wash your hands.
Mosquitoes breed in roadside ditches, farmers’ fields, suburban backyards and anywhere water is stagnant after a rain. Five to six days after a heavy rain, a new generation of mosquitoes emerges. They use prevailing winds to fly up to 50 miles to look for a meal. During the day, they rest in woods or any spot where they will not be disturbed and then come out at dusk to feed.
The Village does not spray for mosquito control as spraying only kills the adults flying at the time of the spraying and may also kill other non-target insects, such as ladybugs, butterflies, and bees flying at the time of the spraying.; however, residents are encouraged to eliminate larvae breeding areas on their property by removing local opportunities for larvae to hatch. Residents should police their yards for any standing water, paying particular attention to: gutters with standing water in them, buckets of rain water, wading pools, margarine tubs, plastic kids’ toys, tarps covering something, boats, tires, and holes in trees that collect water.
The Village does participate in the Franklin County Board of Health’s Integrated Mosquito Management Plan and permits spraying by the County should it deem spraying necessary. When done properly, spraying for mosquitoes is an effective way to reduce the number of mosquitoes and to reduce your risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases.
In order to be effective, spraying must coincide with the time of day mosquitoes are most active. For the mosquitoes that carry West Nile Virus, that means spraying around dusk or in the early morning. The Franklin County Board of Health employs licensed pesticide applicators and trained service persons to apply pesticides intended specifically for mosquito control. The pesticides are registered with the U.S. EPA and the Ohio Department of Agriculture and are applied according to the manufacturers’ label, and federal and state laws.
The Franklin County Board of Health uses ultra-low-volume (ULV) spray machines that are computer controlled and calibrated to apply extremely small amounts of pesticide over large areas. In a typical application, they use about one teaspoon of active ingredient per acre.
With the same amount of pesticide in one can of Raid® Yard Guard Outdoor Fogger, the Franklin County Board of Health can treat 29.7 acres using ULV technology.
The pesticides used by the Franklin County Board of Health do not persist in the environment; they break down within hours, are destroyed rapidly by light and will decompose when exposed to air. The morning after an application, the amount of residual pesticide on exterior surfaces will be negligible. To greatly reduce your exposure during spraying, you can take the following precautionary steps:
- Check the Franklin County Board of Health’s website for notices about spraying in your area.
- Remain indoors with windows closed when spraying is taking place.
- Bring laundry and toys indoors before spraying begins.
- Bring your pets indoors, and turn aerators in ornamental fishponds to avoid direct exposure.
- Cover outdoor tables and play equipment or rinse them off after spraying is finished.
- Wash with soap and water if you come in contact with pesticides.
- Wash any exposed fruits and vegetables with water before storing, cooking or eating.
- Wait about one hour before allowing children to play in areas that have been sprayed.
- For your safety and the safety of the operators, do not approach or follow a spray truck when it is operating. If you are in a vehicle, please try to find an alternate route.
There is no need to relocate during spraying. Consult your physician if you have specific medical concerns regarding the spraying. The Franklin County Board of Health maintains a Do Not Spray registry of residents who request a limited shut-off of the pesticide as our truck mounted sprayers pass their property. The Franklin County Board of Health will make a good faith effort to shut off truck-mounted ULV equipment within 150 feet of a registered property. This registry will be rendered inactive if the Health Commissioner declares a public health emergency where treatment is indicated. In the event of a public health emergency or aerial application, the Franklin County Board of Health will attempt to telephone members of the registry prior to treatment of their property.
The Do Not Spray requests are considered public information and the Franklin County Board of Health may notify neighbors as to why part of their neighborhood is not being treated. As part of its public notification process, a list of Do Not Spray locations may be posted on the Franklin County Board of Health’s website or made available by other means, and the Do Not Spray locations may be indicated or published on internet treatment maps.
Each request is valid for the current calendar year only. For details about or to sign up for the Franklin County Board of Health Do Not Spray registry, visit If you are unable to print out the form, call the office at 614-462-BITE to request a form and a form will be mailed to you.
If you have questions, want to report a complaint or need additional information about mosquitoes, call the Franklin County Board of Health’s Mosquito Bite Line at 614-462-BITE (614-462-2483) and leave a message; your call will be returned. You can also visit
To report possible sanitary sewer overflows, please call the Village Hall at 614-486-6993, or after hours please call the Grandview Heights Service Department at 614-488-4728.
Street and Road Maintenance
The City of Grandview Heights Service Department plows and salts Village streets on an as-needed basis. Residents are expected to clear their public walks of ice and snow.
Residential* Sidewalks – The Village will pay for 100% of sidewalk maintenance and/or replacement cost for normal wear and tear. If a sidewalk panel is damaged by a contractor working on your home, they or you will be responsible for the repair.
Residential* Driveway Approach – The Village will pay for 50%, Owner to pay for 50% of driveway maintenance and/or replacement cost. The Village Engineer determines when to repair/replace the driveway approach. If property owner elects to replace the approach for aesthetic reasons, as determined by the Village Engineer, the property owner will then be responsible for 100% of the repair/replacement cost. The driveway approach includes the adjacent, associated street curbing.
*Residential is defined as:
Single Family Homes
Apartment Units of 4 or fewer
Street curbing – The Village will replace street curbing on an as-needed basis to maintain proper drainage and preserve street pavements. Replacement will typically occur with associated street pavement maintenance projects. When replacement includes curbing adjacent to a driveway approach which is not scheduled for repair/replacement the Village will be responsible for 100% of the cost of the curbing.
Construction Standards – The Village Engineer will maintain construction standards for sidewalk and driveway approaches. Each project within the right-of-way, not managed by the Village, will require a permit and inspection. The cost of permits and inspection will be updated on an as-needed basis by the Grandview Heights Building Department.
Maintenance Standards– The Village Engineer and staff will develop maintenance standards for sidewalk and driveway approaches to apply to all properties within Marble Cliff. Considerations will be primarily based on pedestrian safety and drainage as opposed to aesthetic improvements. The primary (but not the only) safety issue is tripping hazards.
Tripping hazards are defined as any raised or depressed sidewalk (a vertically misaligned panel of a one-half inch or greater) which would have the potential to catch the foot of someone walking or impair the travel of a wheeled mobility device. Severe deterioration can also be considered a hazard and is defined as those sidewalks with surface defects of one-half inch or greater and/or a loose “rocking” panel.
ADA Ramps at street intersections – The Village covers all costs associated with constructing and maintaining ADA ramps at street intersections and publicly maintained crosswalks.
Report broken or non-functioning street lights to Village Hall at or 614-486-6993.
To report problems with traffic signals, contact the Grandview Heights Police Dispatcher at 614-488-7901.
Tree and Vegetation Management
The Village will pay for removal of trees and limbs from a “tree lawn” tree or “right-of-way” tree which is between the sidewalk and the street. Contact Village Hall at or 614-486-6993 to arrange pickup. After business hours if debris is blocking the street, contact the Grandview Heights Police Department at 614-488-7901.
VILLAGE RESPONSIBILITY Only the Village is allowed to plant trees or vegetation in the tree lawn and right-of-way between the sidewalk and the street and are responsible for their maintenance. If you have questions about these trees, contact Village Hall at or 614-486-6993. RESIDENT RESPONSIBILITY Residents are to maintain the mulched area around trees planted in the tree lawn so the tree cannot be hit by a lawnmower or a string trimmer. Damaging bark on a tree is one of the top reasons for trees dying over time. When new trees are planted, residents are asked to water the new trees during periods of dry weather or when the tree shows signs of stress/lack of water.
To learn more about our Tree Inventory please visit Ahlum & Arbor Tree Preservation.
Stormwater Management
Residents are urged to minimize storm water contaminants. Storm water pollution is caused by the daily activities of people everywhere. Rainwater and snowmelt that run off our streets and lawns pick up fertilizers, dirt, pesticides, oil and grease, and many other pollutants on the way to the Scioto River. Residents are urged to do the following things to prevent storm water pollution from leaving our Village:
1. Clean up after your pet.
2. Wash your car on the grass, not the driveway.
3. Apply lawn and garden chemicals sparingly.
4. Never throw litter in the streets; place cigarette butts in the trash.
5. Recycle motor oil.
6. Compost your yard waste, including grass clippings and leaves.
7. Have gutters and down spouts drain onto the ground, not onto driveways.
8. Clean up spilled brake fluid, grease, and antifreeze, rather than hosing them off into the storm drains.
9. Dispose of household cleaners and paint. Don’t pour them down toilets or storm water drains.