Resources for Businesses

Main Sign of the Village Marble Cliff vertical with greenery an area of Columbus Ohio

We make it easy to locate your business in Marble Cliff.

You don’t have to deal with a maze of bureaucracy. Our Mayor is eager to assist, and Village Council is committed to helping businesses prosper. We’re ready to help identify properties and development opportunities that suit your needs and discuss incentives that make Marble Cliff an excellent location for your growing business. To set up a meeting, please contact Village Hall at or 614-486-6993.

Easy Access

Marble Cliff is ideally situated close to downtown Columbus, major highways, Port Columbus International Airport and medical and research centers. The Ohio State University is an easy 10-minute drive away, without the hassle of freeway congestion. Marble Cliff is located within a half-hour of most locations within Franklin County.

The Village is friendly toward pedestrians and cyclists. The Scioto Bike Trail connects Marble Cliff to the downtown trail for citywide access. Our community is served by COTA bus lines #5 and #75, connecting Marble Cliff with downtown.

Commercial property owners must contract with a private company for their weekly pickup of refuse and recycling. 

Commercial properties – Commercial properties, as defined by zoning, shall pay 100% of sidewalk and/or driveway repair/replacement cost. The Village Engineer determines when to repair/replace the sidewalk and/or driveway approach. The driveway approach includes the adjacent, associated street curbing.

Street curbing – The Village will replace street curbing on an as-needed basis to maintain proper drainage and preserve street pavements. Replacement will typically occur with associated street pavement maintenance projects. When replacement includes curbing adjacent to a driveway approach which is not scheduled for repair/replacement the Village will be responsible for 100% of the cost of the curbing.

Construction Standards – The Village Engineer will maintain construction standards for sidewalk and driveway approaches. Each project within the right-of-way, not managed by the Village, will require a permit and inspection. The cost of permits and inspections will be updated on an as-needed basis by Village staff. See the Grandview Heights Buildings Department.

Maintenance Standards- The Village Engineer and staff will develop maintenance standards for sidewalk and driveway approaches to apply to all properties within Marble Cliff. Considerations will be primarily based on pedestrian safety and drainage as opposed to aesthetic improvements. The primary (but not the only) safety issue is tripping hazards.

Tripping hazards are defined as any raised or depressed sidewalk (a vertically misaligned panel of a one-half inch or greater) which would have the potential to catch the foot of someone walking or impair the travel of a wheeled mobility device. Severe deterioration can also be considered a hazard and is defined as those sidewalks with surface defects of one-half inch or greater and/or a loose “rocking” panel.

ADA Ramps at street intersections – The Village will cover all costs associated with constructing ADA ramps at street intersections and publicly maintained crosswalks. Many intersections within the Village have older-style ADA (American with Disabilities Act) wheelchair ramps. 

Marble Cliff’s 2% income tax rate provides a distinct advantage as most other municipalities in the area levy a 2.5% city income tax, including Columbus. An employee with an income of $50,000, for example, could save $250 simply by working in Marble Cliff.

The Village is willing to consider economic incentives for business owners as well as business property owners. Marble Cliff may be able to put its support behind your applications for state incentive programs.

Please see Village Code 92 Streets and Sidewalks for more information.

BUSINESS RESPONSIBILITY To maintain a safe Village, commercial property owners are reminded that Village code requires them to trim all trees and shrubbery that overhang a public street, sidewalk, or alley. Tree branches are to be trimmed to a minimum clearance above ground of ten feet over sidewalks and 12 feet over streets. Shrubs are to be trimmed so that no foliage overhangs the sidewalk or street.

Property owners are to maintain the mulched area around trees planted in the tree lawn so the tree cannot be hit by a lawnmower or a string trimmer. Damaging bark on a tree is one of the top reasons for trees dying over time. When new trees are planted, residents are asked to water the new trees during periods of dry weather or when the tree shows signs of stress/lack of water.

VILLAGE RESPONSIBILITY Only the Village may plant trees or vegetation in the tree lawn between the sidewalk and the street. The Village maintains the trees in the tree lawn and right-of-way at no cost to the property owner. Please contact Village Hall at or 614-486-6993 with questions about existing trees or planting new trees in the tree lawn or right-of-way.

Central Collection Agency of Cleveland, Ohio processes Income Tax for the Village of Marble Cliff. If you have questions about your income tax, please contact them at