Grandview Heights offers e-waste drop-off:
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Noon to 3 PM
Grandview Heights Service Department
1525 Goodale Boulevard.
Enter from Goodale Boulevard onto Glendale Avenue. Goodwill Columbus staff will unload items from your car.
What to bring: Computers, printers, (non-tube style) monitors, copiers, scanners, fax machines, networking equipment, ink and toner cartridges, flat screen TV sets (no tube TV sets), cell phones, MP3 players, DVD/VHS players, cable boxes, records, cassettes/CDs/DVDs, video game systems and games, power adapters, chargers/cords, stereos, speakers, cameras, audiovisual equipment, microwaves, toaster ovens, toasters, vacuums, humidifiers, air purifiers, Christmas lights, string lights, lithium ion (rechargeable) batteries and household goods and clothing.
If you can’t make it to the drive, visit a Goodwill donation center: