Marble Cliff Minutes


The regular, scheduled meeting of the Council of the Village of Marble Cliff was held Monday, May 18, 2015 in the Village Hall at 1600 Fernwood Ave. at 7:00 pm.  Those in attendance were: Council Members: Matthew P. Cincione, John F. Kukura III, Linda J. Siefkas, Robert W. Sterneker, Kendy A. Troiano, and Dow T. Voelker; Mayor, Kent E. Studebaker; Village Solicitor, Mitchel Banchefsky; Village Engineer, Joshua Ford; Administrative Assistant, William Johannes; Fiscal Officer, Cynthia A. McKay. No visitors or press were present.


Mayor Studebaker opened the Public Budget Hearing and introduced the second reading of O-2462-15, An Ordinance adopting a budget for the year 2016 for the Village of Marble Cliff.

No one was present to speak to Ordinance 2462.15. Mayor Studebaker closed the Public Budget Hearing.

No action was taken.


Mayor Studebaker introduced Sarah Bongiorno of Planning Next. Ms. Bongiorno       reviewed the action agenda portion of the report and recommendations from Planning Next. A copy of the final report will be attached to the minutes of the June 2015 minutes.

Council discussed several of the items and determined that all the recommendations will remain in the report at this time. Ms. Bongiorno noted that the report is designed to be a living document that can be modified and updated as projects move forward.

Ms. Bongiorno stated that she will finalize the report and deliver final copies to the Village for use and distribution.

Council discussed some of the wording of the report and recommended some points for clarification regarding priorities and importance of projects and plans.

Mayor Studebaker introduced Kevin Ready representing the parent group which is seeking funds to support the health and wellness facility at the Grandview Heights High School.

Mr. Ready summarized the fund raising efforts to date noting that $140,000 of the needed $165,000 to $170,000 has been raised. He stated his desire that the Village of Marble Cliff be involved stating his opinion that it is important to support community solutions to identified needs. A ground breaking event is scheduled for May 27, 2015.

Mr. Ready reiterated the purpose of the facility is to improve health and wellness for all high school students, not just athletes and teams.

Mayor Studebaker thanked Mr. Ready for making the Council aware of the project and for his support and enthusiasm.


1)    Receive – Mayor’s Court Report, April, 2015

2)    Receive – Police Report, April, 2015

3)    Receive – Fire Dept. Report, April, 2015

4)    Receive – Building permits issued in April, 2015

5)    Approval – Minutes of the regular, scheduled meeting of April 20, 2015

6)    Approval – Financial Statements for April, 2015

7)    Receive – Village Income Tax Report – $207,351.44

Mr. Kukura moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Mr. Sterneker seconded. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously.  


Mayor Studebaker reported he and Ms. McKay met with a commercial property owner to discuss possible economic incentives for tenants. The property owner also presented a concept for digital advertising on an undeveloped portion of his property. Mayor Studebaker reported the property owner was assured that the Village would be open to both issues. He recommended the property owner bring a more specific proposal for the signage. Mayor Studebaker also informed the owner that the Village will speak with potential tenants about incentives as the leasing process moves forward for the property owner.

Mayor Studebaker reported the Grandview Area Chamber of Commerce met with the Upper Arlington Chamber of Commerce to discuss opportunities for shared activities.

Mayor Studebaker reported he attended a meeting with representatives of the Franklin County Board of Health to discuss development of a Community Heath Action Team (CHAT). A CHAT is designed to identify and address community specific health concerns and develop a plan to address the concern. The next meeting is scheduled for June 4, 2015 at 6:00 to 7:00 pm at the Grandview Heights Library.

Mayor Studebaker reported he attended a premiere screening of the WOSU Columbus Neighborhoods – Tri-Village at the Grandview Theater. The program will premiere on WOSU this evening. Mayor Studebaker commented that the program is very well done and the Village of Marble Cliff received good coverage.

Mayor Studebaker reminded Council that the Blue Star Mothers Memorial Day Ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 21, 2015. The new veteran’s statue will be dedicated at the event.

Mr. Sterneker was excused at this point.


Mr. Ford reported Decker Construction will complete the full depth pavement repairs on W. Fifth Ave. this month.

Mr. Ford reported Burgess & Niple is developing a feasibility study for the W. Fifth Ave. Bike Path and street rehabilitation. When the study is completed it will be reviewed by the Village staff and the engineering department at Upper Arlington and brought to Council for action at a future meeting.

Mr. Ford reported the W. Fifth Ave. bridge replacement project is on schedule. The bridge will be removed in mid-June and the new bridge will be in place within 90 to 120 days. AEP will be completing a project to put wires underground at the intersection as part of the bridge replacement project.

Mr. Ford reported he and Ms. McKay walked all the Village sidewalks on April 15, 2015 to document the condition of the sidewalks and necessary repairs and replacements. Mr. Ford is gathering prices for the work and will bring a project recommendation to Council for consideration.

Mr. Ford reported he is working with Columbia Gas to finalize plans for Phase 2 of the natural gas line replacement project. A preconstruction meeting will be held on May 27, 2015. Crews are currently inspecting sewers in advance of the property. Mr. Ford also reported Columbia Gas will be replacing the line markers on Roxbury Rd. with markers that are flush to the ground.

Mr. Ford stated he is working on a 2015 pavement maintenance program to address paving sealing on Village Court and Cambridge Blvd. south of Village Court.

Mr. Ford reported the seeding and cleanup following Phase 1 of the Street Light Replacement Project was completed on May 8, 2015. Phase 2 planning is underway. Design will be completed in 2015 and the project will begin in early 2016.

Mr. Ford reported the Village has been approved for funding through the OPWC Small Government program for the Cardigan Water Main Project. Paperwork will be completed and presented for Council approval in July, 2015. Construction will begin in 2016.

Mr. Ford left the meeting at this point.


Mayor Studebaker introduced R-2463-15, A Resolution establishing procedures for hearing requests for zoning variances, zoning related appeals and conditional uses in the Village of Marble Cliff

Mr. Banchefsky presented the resolution outlining the process for the Village to modify the manner in which zoning variances, zoning related appeals and conditional uses are heard and acted upon by Council. Under the new procedure the Council will act in a quasi-judicial manner to apply Village code or law. Under the new procedure an appeal of a Council zoning or conditional use decision would be heard in the Franklin County Common Pleas Court as a hearing not as a trial.

Council action will be by motion. The Council will need to decide whether the 30 day appeal process will commence with the issuance of the “Record of Action” by the Fiscal Officer or when the minutes of the meeting where the action took place.

Mr. Banchefsky explained that a property owner must wait for the 30 day period to expire to begin the work approved by the Council action. If a property owner were to proceed prior to the end of the 30 day period the property owner would do so at their own risk and might be required to restore the property to its prior condition if an appeal is filed and the court were to reverse the Council’s decision.

Ms. Troiano moved approval of R-2463-15. Ms. Siefkas seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. 

Mr. Voelker moved, as it relates to R-2463-15, the Fiscal Officer be approved to prepare and certify the record of the Council’s action. Mr. Kukura seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Johannes reported the Falco Park Plaza restoration is complete.

Mr. Johannes reported the removal and replacement of tree lawn trees on Roxbury Rd. in front of Roxbury Arms is completed. David Fisher, owner of the Roxbury Arms, arranged for the work to be completed and paid for the trees which were approved by the Village staff in keeping with the Village’s plan for tree lawn planting. The Village is sharing the cost of stump removal with Mr. Fisher.

Mr. Johannes presented three quotes for honeysuckle removal in Tarpy Woods. He reported that he met with three potential contractors to identify the scope of the project. After review of the proposals, Mr. Johannes recommended the Village accept the proposal from Rine Landscaping. Council discussed the scope of the work to be done.

Mr. Kukura moved approval of up to $15,000 for honeysuckle and vine removal in Tarpy Woods by Rine Landscaping. Mr. Voelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Voelker moved approval of the May 2015 bills totaling $91,183.03. Mr. Kukura seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 


Ms. McKay reported the project to upgrade electronics in the Council Chambers is ongoing.

Ms. McKay reported she spoke with the Ohio Treasurer’s office representative for the Ohio Checkbook program. The program is developing the web site and reports for Villages and will notify Marble Cliff when they are prepared to host additional entities.

Ms. McKay said she would update the Council when additional information is available.

Ms. McKay reported she is working with two insurance representatives to secure insurance renewal quotations. The current insurance expires in July. She stated she will bring a proposal to the July meeting.

Ms. McKay stated she has begun working with Fireproof Warehouse to scan permanent Village records. She reported that she is very pleased with the software provided for scanning and searching records.


Ms. Troiano reported the Grandview Heights Parks and Recreation Board has received quotes from 8 entities for the pool improvement project. The Board is reviewing the quotes.


Mayor Studebaker presented sample charitable giving guidelines from New Albany and Grandview Heights. Council discussed the aspects of the sample guidelines that would be appropriate for Marble Cliff and those which may not be applicable including deadlines and necessary information. Council discussed several funding options and various guidelines.

Council asked the Fiscal Officer to draft charitable giving guidelines for the Village bring the guidelines to the next Council meeting for consideration.

Mayor Studebaker introduced the second reading of O-2460-15, An Ordinance authorizing the expenditure of funds; $ 5,000.00 to 2015 Grandview Heights High School Health & Wellness Project and declaring the expenditure to constitute a public purpose.

No action was taken.

Mayor Studebaker introduced the second reading of O-2461-15, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance O-2441-14 (2015 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE) to increase the appropriation to the General Fund (1000) to $1,579,176.

No action was taken. 


Council considered whether or not to request an additional .65 mill of property tax inside millage from Franklin County for tax year 2016. The Village has requested and been granted the additional .65 mill property tax rate for the past few years. Council decided that the Village’s financial condition has improved to a point where the property tax rate can be reduced to the prior rate of .35 mil.


Mr. Voelker moved the meeting be adjourned. Ms. Troiano seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.  Mayor Studebaker adjourned the meeting at 9:08 PM.

Approved by:                                                                Submitted by:

Matthew P. Cincione                                                     Cynthia A. McKay
Council President Pro Tem                                             Fiscal Officer