The regular, scheduled meeting of the Council of the Village of Marble Cliff was held Monday, July 20, 2015 in the Village Hall at 1600 Fernwood Ave. at 7:00 pm. Those in attendance were: Council Members: Linda J. Siefkas, Robert W. Sterneker, Kendy A. Troiano and Dow T. Voelker; Mayor, Kent E. Studebaker; Village Solicitor, Mitchel Banchefsky; Village Engineer, Joshua Ford; Administrative Assistant, William Johannes; Fiscal Officer, Cynthia A. McKay. No visitors or press were present.
Mr. Voelker moved Mr. Cincione and Mr. Kukura be excused. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Sterneker moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Ms. Siefkas seconded. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously.
Mayor Studebaker reported he met with MORPC Director William Murdock and MORPC Membership Director Eileen Lubbe. The meeting was part of MORPC’s ongoing community outreach. MORPC services and resources were discussed along with current and future Village activities and projects.
Mayor Studebaker reported this month’s Columbus Dispatch “Spotlight” features the Village’s Strategic Plan.
Mayor Studebaker reported he has had a discussion of possible incentives with a company interested in moving into 2300 W. Fifth Ave. The company is also considering property in Hilliard and Dublin.
Mayor Studebaker reported he met with the owner of 2015 W. Fifth Ave. He anticipates the owner and her representative will attend the August Council meeting to present possible redevelopment plans for the property.
Mayor Studebaker reported the redevelopment of the Village web site is ongoing. He reported he and Mr. Johannes are pleased with the work to date. He stated staff was moving ahead with the new logo as presented at the June meeting. No comments were received from Council regarding the logo. Mayor Studebaker reported that the font to be used on the web site is similar to the font on the street signs providing a consistent look for the Village.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the first reading of R-2464-15, A Resolution approving the strategic plan dated June 3, 2015 for the Village of Marble Cliff.
No Action was taken.
Mr. Ford reported the W. Fifth Ave. point repairs are complete.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the first reading of O-2465-15, An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Fiscal Officer to enter into an agreement with Burgess & Niple, Inc. for professional engineering services to complete a Feasibility Study for the West Fifth Ave. Bike Path and Roadway Improvements Project for the Village of Marble Cliff.
Ms. McKay reviewed the cost of the study and reiterated that Upper Arlington will be responsible for half of the cost of the study.
No action was taken.
Mr. Ford reported the W. Fifth Ave. Bridge Replacement Project is moving forward. The anticipated closure date is August 3rd or August 6th. The bridge will be closed for 2-3 months. AEP continues to work at the Dublin Rd. and W. Fifth Ave. corner to place their utilities underground. Mr. Ford also reported that a sanitary sewer belonging to Upper Arlington, but situated within Marble Cliff’s right of way, was struck by the company doing the boring for AEP. The damage has been repaired. Financial liability for the damage is still being discussed.
Mr. Ford reported the Columbia Gas main line replacement project is ongoing. The main line is installed on Roxbury north of Cardigan Ave. and Cardigan Ave. east of Roxbury. Cardigan west of Roxbury Rd. under the railroad tracks and Roxbury Rd. south of Cardigan Ave. will be the next area to be completed. Individual property connections are ongoing. The water line at the rectory at OLV was hit and damaged. The repairs are ongoing. Financial liability for the damage is still being discussed.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the first reading of O-2466-15, An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Fiscal Officer to enter into an agreement with Burgess & Niple, Inc. for professional engineering services for the Phase II Street Lighting Project for the Village of Marble Cliff.
Ms. McKay commented that the price quoted compares appropriately with the engineering costs of Phase I of the project. The engineering services on site will be charged through the engineering services contract.
Mr. Ford reported the paperwork has been received from OPWC for the Cardigan Water Main Project. The Fiscal Officer is completing the paper work.
Mr. Ford reported he has asked the traffic engineer at Burgess & Niple Inc. to review the necessity of the “no right turn on red” restriction north bound on Cambridge Blvd. at W. Fifth Ave. The traffic engineer suggested that pedestrian activity and site line distances may be the reason for the restriction. Mr. Ford will have a more complete report at the next meeting.
Ms. Troiano asked when the gas line work will be completed on Cardigan Ave. Mr. Johannes stated he spoke with a crew member who indicated that there is still may be work to be done, but had no specifics.
Mr. Ford left the meeting at this point.
Mr. Banchefsky reported that the Ohio Revised Code is not very clear about the differences and uses between ordinances, resolutions and motions. He and the Fiscal Officer are developing practical directions for the use of each.
Mayor Studebaker recommended Council review the article in Cities & Villages regarding use of electronic devices including use during meetings.
Mr. Johannes explained that the start of work in Tarpy Woods to remove honeysuckle has been delayed due to the unusual amount of rainfall in July. The work is scheduled to begin on July 27, 2015.
Mr. Johannes reported the Village had minimal reports of water problems for residents and businesses following the significant rainfall event in June. One business had water in the basement. The business basement flooding appears to be the result of the 30 inch City of Columbus main sanitary sewer being stressed to overcapacity.
Ms. Troiano moved approval of the July 2015 bills totaling $75,807.51. Mr. Voelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Sterneker moved approval of the amended June 2015 bills totaling $101,789.68. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the first reading of O-2468-15, An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Fiscal Officer to execute an agreement to renew the policy with Ohio Government Risk Management Plan for property, liability, wrongful acts, automobile, bond, crime, inland marine and electronic data processing insurance.
Ms. McKay presented a comparison between the current insurance carrier renewal and the proposal from Selective. The current carrier’s quote is $165 higher than Selective’s quote. Ms. McKay stated that she recommends remaining with the current carrier based on experience with the current carrier and some minor differences between the current coverage and the proposed coverage.
No action was taken.
Ms. McKay reported the Village has been approved to receive a $125,000 loan from the Franklin County Infrastructure Bank Loan. The loan will be used as part of the Village’s local match for the OPWC project. Ms. McKay and Mr. Banchefsky will be part of a conference call to review all the terms of the loan. The goal is to close the loan in August.
Ms. McKay reported she has submitted information to the Ohio Checkbook program. They have set the Village up in the program, but will not go live online until the Council has an opportunity to review the site. A representative will attend a future Council meeting to present the site. If Council approves, the program will go live; if not, the information will be deleted.
Ms. Troiano reported the GH Recreation and Parks Board has not met since the last Council meeting.
Ms. Troiano reported Start Talking Grandview has not met since the last Council meeting.
Ms. Troiano said the Collaborative Work Group met. They are in the process of reviewing fees charged by different facilities for meeting and activity space. The Collaborative Work Group plans to consolidate their findings into a resource sheet that will be available within the next two months.
Mr. Sterneker shared that Heidi Varner has decided not to run for Council in November.
Mayor Studebaker reported he attended the most recent Franklin County Department of Health CHAT meeting. He stated the group is moving toward making “Aging in Place” for seniors their main focus for the Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff communities. The group believes there are many opportunities for youth but not as many to support an aging population who remain in their homes and community.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the first reading of O-2467-15, An Ordinance authorizing the expenditure of funds of $350 for the Music in the Park Program and declaring the expenditure to constitute a public purpose.
No action was taken.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the first reading of O-2469-15, An Ordinance to amend Ordinance O-2441-14 (2015 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE) to increase the appropriation to the General Fund (1000) to $______________.
Ms. McKay explained that the amount will be filled in after Council addresses the increase in appropriation proposed in O-2461-15. Ms. McKay said she will be asking to increase the General Fund by approximately $120,000. She stated that $30,000 is to cover increased income fees and refunds which are a result of the increase in income tax collections. The Village has had a number of unanticipated costs in its maintenance of parks and tree lawns and anticipates and additional $30,000 for such costs through the balance of the year. The Village has also had unexpected engineering costs with a number of street and sewer – both storm and sanitary – repair projects anticipated at about $30,000 and the expanded sidewalk repair project of approximately $20,000. Firm numbers will be available at the August meeting.
Mayor Studebaker reported that a mid-year budget and appropriation review may be a regular activity.
No action was taken.
Mr. Sterneker moved the meeting be adjourned. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Studebaker adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.
Approved by: Submitted by:
Matthew P. Cincione Cynthia A. McKay
Council President Pro Tem Fiscal Officer