Marble Cliff Minutes


The regular, scheduled meeting of the Council of the Village of Marble Cliff was held Monday, March 16, 2015 in the Village Hall at 1600 Fernwood Ave. at 7:00 pm.

Those in attendance were: Council Members: Matthew P. Cincione, Linda J. Siefkas, Robert W. Sterneker, Kendy A. Troiano, and Dow T. Voelker; Mayor, Kent E. Studebaker; Village Engineer, Joshua Ford; Administrative Assistant, William Johannes, and Fiscal Officer, Cynthia McKay. Visitors and press were present. Village Solicitor, Mitchell Banchefsky was excused.

Mayor Studebaker introduced Kevin Ready and Derrick Brammell. Mr. Ready shared information regarding the Grandview Heights High School Health and Wellness Project. A group of community leaders is working with school officials to raise money to improve and expand the high school weight room to accommodate an expanded number of health and wellness activities and equipment including aerobics, spinning and sport team training. Mr. Ready explained that he is working on the fund raising component of the project. The stated goal is to raise between $165,000 and $195,000 for the construction of the expanded and renovated space. $100,000 has already been raised. Several community organizations including the Boosters, the Touchdown Club and the Alumni Association have already made contributions. The Education Foundation and other organizations will be approached for financial support in the coming weeks.
Mr. Ready and Mr. Brammell asked the Council to consider a donation to the project. Mr. Ready distributed informational brochures.
Mr. Ready explained that the project leaders hope to have the renovated space ready for use by 8/1/2015. He stated ongoing maintenance and staffing of the facility will be the responsibility of the school district.
Council briefly discussed the Council’s recent policy to address requests for charitable donations. Ms. McKay reported that the 2014 and 2015 budgets had $1,000 earmarked for charitable donations. Over the last two years gifts were made to the Grandview Garden Club for flowers for the Memorial Park in Grandview and a gift in support of the GHHS Robotics Team. Mayor Studebaker commented that there is not a stated policy for charitable donations. Ms. McKay stated that an ordinance would need to be enacted to recognize the project as a “public purpose.”
Council thanked Mr. Ready and Mr. Brammell for their presentation. Council agreed to take up discussion of the request under New Business.
Nate Rosenstein, representing the Friends of Tarpy Woods, expressed his thanks to the Village for the plan to begin a comprehensive eradication of invasive honeysuckle plants growing in the park. He asked Council to OK the plans of the Friends of Tarpy Woods to undertake park cleanup in mid-April as part of the group’s recognition of Earth Day. He also reported a tree has fallen in the park and needs to be removed. Mr. Johannes will oversee the removal of the tree.
Council approved the clean-up day and thanked Mr. Rosenstein for the group’s work in the past and dedication to the Tarpy Woods Park.
Mr. Sterneker arrived at this point.

1) Receive – Mayor’s Court Report, February, 2015
2) Receive – Police Report, February, 2015
3) Receive – Fire Dept. Report, February, 2015
4) Receive – Building permits issued in February, 2015
5) Approval – Minutes of the regular, scheduled meeting of February 16, 2015
6) Approval – Financial Statements for February, 2015
7) Receive – Village Income Tax Report – $102,440.60
8) Receive – AEP Customer Outage Report
Council asked Ms. McKay to seek clarification from AEP of an outage from the past winter that is not included in the report..
Mr. Sterneker moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Ms. Siefkas seconded. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously.

Mayor Studebaker reported that, since the last meeting, he had received an inquiry about development of 2015 W. Fifth Ave. He had no details to share with Council at this time.
Mr. Ford reported he is working with the contractor to finish up Phase I of the streetlight project. The Falco Park luminaries will be installed in the coming weeks. Seeding and lawn repair will occur as the weather permits.
Detailed plans for Phase II of the street light project will be developed in late summer of 2015 and bidding will be completed in mid to late fall of 2015 and the project will get underway in 2016 with a goal of having the work completed before the onset of outdoor activities in the Village. Mayor Studebaker reminded Council to provide feedback to Mr. Johannes about identified needs for additional light poles, or light poles that could be removed or moved to different locations.
Ms. McKay introduced the revised Five Year Capital Improvements and Finance Plan. She reviewed the projects by category and years along with financial projections reflecting all the projects. Project costs beyond 2016 are calculated without consideration of receiving OPWC funds which would reduce the actual costs to the Village. Ms. McKay reported she reviewed the financial projections comparing the impact of completing the street light project over several years to completing the project in 2016. She state, having done the comparison, she is comfortable that the long term impact of completing the project in one year is minimal compared to completing the project over several years and recommends the project be scheduled for 2016.
Mayor Studebaker asked if money is budgeted for a comprehensive sidewalk and apron review. Ms. McKay stated that she and Mr. Ford plan to review the identified repair needs and bring a plan to Council. She said that money is budgeted and available.
Ms. McKay also reported that the engineer is creating an estimate for full depth repair on West Fifth Ave. Mayor Studebaker also identified the need for updates and maintenance at Village Hall.
Council approved moving forward with developing plans for Phase II of the Street Light Project to encompass the balance of the work to be done throughout the Village.
Mr. Ford left the meeting at this point.

There was no report for Council.

Mr. Johannes reviewed the Grandview Heights Building Department staff changes and fees. Grandview is interviewing candidates for the position of director of the Building Department. Mr. Johannes stated that Grandview Heights has recently compared their fees as those of surrounding communities. The fees were determined to be competitive and remain unchanged with the exception of an increase in the minimum fee for garage inspections.
Mr. Johannes reported he has met with or talked with several individuals and companies which create and maintain Web sites. He stated the proposed cost ranges and time frames to complete varied significantly. Mr. Johannes thanked the Council members who have provided input on what they would like to see on the Village’s Web site and stated his intention to continue to work toward a specific recommendation for Council’s consideration.
Mr. Johannes stated he has spoken to a number of companies and individuals who perform honeysuckle eradication and forest improvement. He has also spoken with David Bell about the extent of work the Village is considering. Mr. Bell stated his full support of the project. Mr. Johannes plans to walk through the park with the companies and individuals to determine the scope of necessary work and to secure quotes for the project.
Mr. Johannes reported the pavers from Falco Park have been removed and delivered to Modlich for engraving. The project to install the pavers in Falco Park and to level and relay the existing pavers should be completed in April.
Mr. Johannes also reported the three overhead AEP lights on Fernwood Ave. have been removed by AEP.

Mr. Voelker moved approval of the March 2015 bills totaling $75,248.51. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Voelker moved approval of the amended February 2015 bills totaling $70,054.76. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. McKay introduced a proposal for the purchase and installation of TV’s and electronic equipment in the Council Chambers. The purpose of the equipment is to improve and enhance the sharing of information during Council meetings. The proposed total cost for the project including all equipment and installation by Tiger Systems is not to exceed $10,000.
Council discussed the proposal along with consideration of long range planning for the Village Hall. Council discussed whether other municipalities might have suggestions for design and installation of electronic equipment. Council expressed their overall support of the project.
Council asked that other sources for the work be contacted before accepting the Tiger Systems proposal. Ms. McKay agreed to contact the companies and individuals recommended by Council and report back to Council at the next meeting.
Ms. McKay presented a proposal from Fireproof Inc. to scan and electronically store Village records. Ms. McKay presented a plan to move permanent records to an electronic format which would be stored off site in a records “silo” and would be available through the cloud. The project provides not only improved access to records but provides a basis for disaster recovery of records. Ms. Troiano asked about storage format and the ability to search key terms. Ms. McKay stated that all of those questions have been addressed by Fireproof and she will have more detailed understanding as training takes place.
Council reviewed the rates and fees presented by Fireproof and the plan for records transfer presented by the Fiscal Officer and authorized the Fiscal Officer to begin the document scanning and storage process.

Ms. Troiano reported the Grandview Heights Parks and Recreation Board is continuing to move forward on plans for bidding the new swimming pool project.
Ms. McKay reported several Falco Scholarship applications have been received and the applications will be forwarded to Mr. Kukura for distribution to the committee.
Mr. Cincione reported the Boosters have begun their annual mulch sale and he encouraged Council members to participate.

Council discussed the request for funds for the GHHS Health and Wellness Project. After preliminary discussion Council requested that the Fiscal Officer prepare an ordinance to authorize a $5,000 one-time gift. Council will discuss the ordinance at the April meeting.
Mr. Johannes reported that yard waste collection will begin on April 6, 2015.
Mr. Johannes reported Grandview Heights will be holding an electronics recycling event in May.
Mr. Cincione moved to excuse Mr. Kukura. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Troiano moved the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Sterneker seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Studebaker adjourned the meeting at 8:35 PM.

Approved by: Submitted by:
Matthew P. Cincione Cynthia A. McKay
Council President Pro Tem Fiscal Officer