The regular, scheduled meeting of the Council of the Village of Marble Cliff was held Monday, February 16, 2015 in the Village Hall at 1600 Fernwood Ave. at 7:00 pm.
Those in attendance were: Council Members: Matthew P. Cincione, John F. Kukura III, Linda J. Siefkas, Robert W. Sterneker, Kendy A. Troiano, and Dow T. Voelker; Mayor, Kent E. Studebaker; Village Solicitor, Mitchell Banchefsky; Village Engineer, Louis McFarland; Administrative Assistant, William Johannes, and Fiscal Officer, Cynthia McKay. Visitors were present.
Mr. Banchefsky asked all in attendance who intended to offer testimony on Ordinance O-2448-14 to stand and be sworn in. Mr. Banchefsky asked, “Do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you will give before the Marble Cliff Council in this variance hearing will be the truth and the whole truth?” Those standing responded “Yes.”
Mayor Studebaker introduced the third reading of O-2448-14, An Ordinance granting a Side Yard Structure Variance and a Side Yard Setback Variance to Patrick Youssef, for the property at 1261 Cambridge Blvd., in the Village of Marble Cliff and declaring an emergency.
Dr. Youssef presented materials showing 22 properties with side yard setbacks which are smaller than the 15 foot side yard setback established by the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Marble Cliff. Dr. Youssef addressed the concern raised previously regarding the windows in the proposed addition creating an issue of privacy for the property to the immediate south of the Youssef property. He stated the number of windows is reduced in the new addition and the windows do not line up with the windows of the home to the south. Dr. Youssef stated his intention to have curtains and blinds on the windows and planting between the properties..
Dr. Youssef stated his opinion that the appearance of the addition will be an improvement over the existing structure and it is consistent with the neighborhood.
Dr. Youssef thanked the Council members who visited the property. Dr. Youssef confirmed the dimension of the room will be 16 feet north to south and 18.5 feet east to west. He also confirmed that that there will be approximately 7 feet of lawn between the addition and the driveway to the south.
Mr. Cincione moved O-2448-14 be amended to change the “13 feet” in the third “whereas” and Section 1 to “11.5 feet.” Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Council discussed the existing zoning code and the proposed addition as it compares with other properties in the immediate area. Council also discussed recent variances granted in the Village. Mayor Studebaker commented that each variance request is reviewed on its own merit. Council spent time reviewing the properties and setbacks on the properties surrounding the Youssef’s property.
Mr. Basting offered no comment regarding the request.
Mr. Cincione moved the adoption of O-2448-14 as amended. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed 4 in favor and 2 opposed.
1) Receive – Mayor’s Court Report, January, 2015
2) Receive – Police Report, January, 2015
3) Receive – Fire Dept. Report, January, 2015
4) Receive – Building permits issued in January, 2015
5) Approval – Minutes of the regular, scheduled meeting of January 19, 2015 and the special meeting of February 11, 2015
6) Approval – Financial Statements for January, 2015
7) Receive – Village Income Tax Report – $165,467.95
8) Receive – Franklin Cty Engineer Permissive Tax Report
9) Receive – Franklin Cty Property Valuations and Tax Estimate
Mr. Kukura commented on the improved income for January over January 2014. Mr. Sterneker asked if the Villages permit fees are comparable with Grandview and with other communities. Mr. Johannes confirmed that the Village’s fees are the same as Grandview’s fees and appear to be lower than surrounding communities.
Mr. Kukura asked how the Permissive Tax held by Franklin County for the Village can be used. Ms. McKay explained that money can only be used on W. Fifth Ave.
Mr. Sterneker moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Ms. Siefkas seconded. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously.
Mayor Studebaker reported he attended the Columbia Gas community meeting at Our Lady of Victory Church where the utility presented information regarding Phase II of their project to upgrade gas lines and meters in the Tri-Village area. Mayor Studebaker stated that the new lines will support a natural gas powered generator if residents are interested in having generator backup for their homes.
Mayor Studebaker reported he presented the State of the Village report at the Grandview Area Chamber of Commerce February meeting. Mayor DeGraw of Grandview presented his State of the City report as well. The meeting was well attended. The Village was represented by Council Member Troiano and Ms. McKay.
Mr. McFarland reported Phase I of the street light project is almost complete. The poles have been installed in Falco Park and the luminaires for those poles should be installed in mid-March. Mr. McFarland stated the last payment will be held until the final review of the post construction CCTV of the storm and sanitary sewers and the lawn repair has been completed.
Mr. McFarland encouraged Council to continue to review the residential portions of the Village to identify dark spots between existing light poles.
Mr. McFarland confirmed that the Village’s OPWC Small Government Application has been completed for the Dublin Rd. and Cardigan Ave. Waterline Improvements Project. The application for a loan from the Franklin County Infrastructure Bank has also been completed and submitted. The Village will be notified of an OPWC award in July.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the first reading of O-2455-15, An Ordinance to codify new annual Registration Maintenance Fee for Occupancy of Village rights of way.
Mr. McFarland explained the process for establishing the annual registration maintenance fee and the construction permit fee as required by the Village’s Right of Way legislation passed several years ago.
Mr. Cincione moved the rules be suspended. Mr. Kukura seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sterneker moved the adoption of O-2455-15. Mr. Voelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the first reading of O-2456-15, An Ordinance to codify the 2015 fees for construction permits issued for work in Village rights of way. Mr. Cincione moved the rules be suspended. Mr. Kukura seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Voelker moved the adoption of O-2456-15. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McFarland informed Council he will be leaving Burgess & Niple Inc. to take a position with Earnhart Hill Regional Water and Sewer District. The utility is located close to Mr. McFarland’s home in Pickaway County and provides a significant opportunity to serve his home community. He expressed his pleasure and thanks for the opportunity to work with Marble Cliff.
Mr. McFarland introduced Joshua Ford who will be taking over Mr. McFarland’s duties with the Village. Mr. Ford introduced himself and explained his experience with Burgess & Niple including his work in assisting Mr. McFarland on a number of Village projects over the past few years.
Mayor Studebaker expressed his thanks for Mr. McFarland’s work in and for the Village. He commented that much of the engineer’s work goes unseen but is of vital importance and Mr. McFarland has gone above and beyond the call of duty.
Mr. McFarland stated he has been with B&N for 7 years and began working with Mr. Mares almost immediately and then within 6 months transitioned into the role of Village Engineer. Mr. McFarland answered questions about Earnhart Hill and expressed his excitement over the opportunity for growth of the utility and opportunities within Pickaway County.
Mayor Studebaker introduced R-2457-15, A Resolution recognizing Louis A. McFarland for his years of service to the people of the Village of Marble Cliff. Ms. Troiano moved the approval of R-2457-15. Mr. Cincione seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Studebaker presented the resolution along with a commemorative Marble Cliff street sign.
Mr. McFarland left the meeting at this point.
Mr. Banchefsky had no report for Council.
Mr. Johannes had no report for Council.
Mr. Cincione moved approval of the February 2015 bills totaling $70,266.71. Mr. Kukura seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Voelker moved approval of the amended January 2015 bills totaling $262,800.48. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Cincione moved approval of the following supplemental appropriations:
$574.00 from 1000-710-225-0000 to 1000-710-211-0000 ($474.00) and 1000-710-132-000 ($100.00) for approved salary increases.
$450.00 from 100-800-590-0000 to 1000-710-132-000 ($58.00) and 1000-725-121-0000 ($392.00) for approved salary increases.
Mr. Sterneker seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.
Ms. Troiano reported the Grandview Heights Parks and Recreation Board will meet on February 19, 2015 to discuss the plans for the new pool.
Ms. Troiano reported the next meeting of Start Talking Grandview will be held on Monday, February 23, 2015.
Ms. Troiano reported she will be participating in a new group formed with representatives of government, business, the library and the schools to identify land development and programs to serve the youth of the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff communities. Mayor Studebaker will be attending the first meeting as well.
Mayor Studebaker introduced the third reading of O-2451-14, An Ordinance adding Section 90.10 (Health Risk Animals), Section 90.11 (Animals Prohibited in the Village) and Section 90.12 (Bees) to the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Marble Cliff, Ohio.
Ms. McKay reported the staff has not received questions or comments about the proposed legislation.
Ms. Troiano presented information from the area garden club’s position on keeping bees. Several Grandview residents will be adding bee hives this year. Ms. McKay stated the bee hives in Marble Cliff will be grandfathered and not forced into immediate compliance with the bulk of the requirements. However bee keepers in the Village will be required to come into compliance with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources requirements for keeping urban bees. Mr. Cincione moved the adoption of O-2451-15. Mr. Kukura seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. McKay will continue to work with Council and PlanningNext to schedule the next planning meeting. Council members were asked to submit information regarding their availability. Mayor Studebaker stated he was pleased with the discussion of the first meeting and looks forward to completing the project. Council concurred.
Ms. Troiano reported the updates for Memorial Park in Grandview are underway. The installation of the new statue will begin in March and will be completed in time for the Memorial Day services.
Ms. Troiano reported the new park land in the Grandview Yard is located at the intersection of Burrell and Yard Streets. Parks and Rec has received many suggestions for use of the park space, but it appears that the space will primarily be undeveloped green space.
Council asked to see an updated 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan for review at the next meeting. Mr. Kukura recommended considering accelerating the street light replacement project. Ms. McKay stated she would have the information available. Council also asked Mr. Johannes to investigate the cost of performing honeysuckle eradication in Tarpy Woods.
Ms. Troiano suggested a public meeting be held to discuss activities within the Village.
Mr. Sterneker moved the meeting be adjourned. Ms. Troiano seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Studebaker adjourned the meeting at 8:35 PM.
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